The Skills Laboratory is a learning environment in the College with parts of hospital units such as the Out-Patient Department (OPD), emergency, surgical, medical, paediatric, antenatal, family planning, and birthing stations, among others.
The laboratory is also home to a variety of simulated (mannequin) patients ranging from infants and adults to pregnant women. It is also equipped with a LED television, DVD, whiteboard, flip-chat stand and chart, tables and chairs, and various instruments and equipment for basic and advanced nursing and midwifery procedures.
Activities in the skills laboratory are an integral part of the Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery curriculum, where students learn how to perform certain basic nursing procedures in the first year, advanced procedures in the second year, and midwifery skills in pregnancy, labour, and puerperium in the second and third years.
Tutors in charge of courses that need demonstration send students in groups to the laboratory to demonstrate skills to students who will do return demonstrations for the tutors. Students are expected to learn, demonstrate quality and safe nursing care, show teamwork, collaborate with colleagues and communicate effectively before they can perform such procedures on patients in the ward.
Working hours in the laboratory are 7:30am to 4:00pm from Monday to Friday. There is a practicing room where students can borrow items from the skills laboratory to practice on their own.